综述| 设计分析| 通信电源| 电力电源| 不间断电源| 逆变电源| 交流稳定电源| 工业特种电源| 蓄电池| 电能质量管理| 元器件| 电磁兼容| LED| 控制 驱动 保护| 人物企业访谈| 开关电源技术| 电子变压器| 电力电子新技术| 新能源| 标准介绍| 应用分析| 谐波治理| 技术研究 仿真技术| 其他|


作者:张俊峰, 夏波   上传时间:2012/3/12 15:21:03
叙词:氧化锌压敏电阻器 工频过电压(TOV) TOV耐受时间特性 表征 影响因素
Abstract:The article focuses on the importance, proper representation and influential factors of TOV for ZnO varistors. It states that TOV should be represented as TOV maximum value and relevant tolerance time, thus being referred to as TOV feature of tolerence time. For applicable data to design ZnO varistors for SPD application, two data should be provided: one is TOV tolerance time, the other is data related to temperature change in accordance with time after implementing transient overvoltage. The TOV tolerance time feature of ZnO varistors is directly related to TOV capacity of energy and TOV work zone V-I curve(1mA10A). The factor that restricts TOV capacity of energy is thermostability and the crystal phase difference and structural uniformity which results from formula and technology. Besides the influence of formula and technology, TOV work zone1mA10A V-I curve is also affected by work process. The better the uniformity of the resistors, the better performance TOV will be. TOV tolerance time can be improved when the current turns smaller resulting from the loading of TOV because of the nonlinear difference or voltage positive temperature of TOV work zone1mA10A V-I curve.
Keyword:ZnO varistor, TOV, TOV Feature of tolerance time, Representation, Influential factors
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