综述| 设计分析| 通信电源| 电力电源| 不间断电源| 逆变电源| 交流稳定电源| 工业特种电源| 蓄电池| 电能质量管理| 元器件| 电磁兼容| LED| 控制 驱动 保护| 人物企业访谈| 开关电源技术| 电子变压器| 电力电子新技术| 新能源| 标准介绍| 应用分析| 谐波治理| 技术研究 仿真技术| 其他|


作者:郭 隆1,李嘉明2,郁百超3   上传时间:2012/5/11 10:50:49
叙词:电能存贮系统 微功耗 存贮和并网
Abstract:Microloss Clean Energy Storage System consists of three conversion devices of DC/DC, AC/DC, and DC/AC. Each conversion applies Microloss switching technology to achieve the storage and in power grid to be of high quality and high efficiency clean energy. The best characteristic of Micro loss Clean Energy Storage System is that it takes only a very small portion of the input power thru the power conversion process and still obtains total full output power. I.E. most input power does not need thru power conversion process and does not need thru linear transformer or inductor transmit process, it just connects to output terminal and becomes output power. The system operates at the industrial frequency and generates no EMI interference, therefore power loss is very small with a longer life. Output waveform is a pure sinusoidal wave without any distortion. The system is safe and more reliable, more energy saving and with less environmental impact. The cost, dimension, weight, and power loss of this system is about one tenth of conventional standard methods. 
Keyword:Energy Storage System, Microloss, Storage and in power grid
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