朝阳市电源有限公司位于朝阳市中心,占地60000m2,建筑面积30000m2,主要技术人员300人,年产100万台。引进美国惠普先进的检测设备,技术力量雄厚,严格的质量管理,使得一体化电源更臻完善。现有产品十八类,近万个品种。有军用品、工业品和商业品三档,有模具5000 套。以专利为基础,严格执行国军标。

   The products produced and sold by Chao Yang Power Supply were classified into twenty series and tens of thousands of specifications including linear power supply , switching power , transformer , ups and so on . Our company may take special order according to the requirement of client . The integrated integrative power supply is widely found application in such social production and living areas as aviation and transformation , post and telecommunications and communications , metallurgy and mine , industry automatic control and scientific research experiment .
朝阳电源浙江办事处 联系人:卢丙超 先生  友情联络
英文名称: department of chao yang power in zhejiang
企业性质: 合资企业 业务模式: 生产厂商
注册地址: 中国-浙江省-杭州市 公司主页: http://www.4nic.net.cn
会员等级: 普通会员 电子信箱: cy4nic@yahoo.com.cn
主营产品: 通信电源 电力电源 UPS电源 逆变电源 模块电源 开关电源 便携式电源 交直流稳压电源 变频电源 变压器